Membership and Sponsorship Information
Become a member today!
Membership dues are $25.00 per year. You can join or renew your club membership online using the form below (preferred method) or you can click the button below to use the printable form, then mail it in or bring it to the next meeting with payment.
Membership dues are $25.00 per year. You can join or renew your club membership online using the form below (preferred method) or you can click the button below to use the printable form, then mail it in or bring it to the next meeting with payment.
Please Note: As a condition of Membership in the Sunset Drifters Snowmobile Club, members must be able to volunteer for a minimum of 10 hours to help in any trail maintenance, club raffle's etc. If you have questions, please contact a club member.
Commercial Sponsorship Information
Consider becoming a Sponsor / Partner of the Sunset Drifters Snowmobile Club. There are 2 levels of sponsorship outlined below.
- Commercial Sponsor - $50.00 per year - Benefits include a listing in Wisconsin Snowmobile News (WSN), the official magazine of the Alliance of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) as well as a hotline to your website. The WSN is published and distributed seven times a year, September through March. The months of October, December and February contain business listings of all sponsors. In addition, your business will be highlighted on the AWSC website as well as on the Sunset Drifters Website for the length of your membership (12 months).